Why jewelers never clean their jewelry with ammonia if they don’t want to pay for it

Most jewelry workshops use exclusively specialized devices and ultrasonic baths for cleaning jewelry, which cost quite a lot of money. And for many, this may seem completely absurd. After all, as we know, it is possible to clean gold well in a more budgetary way, for example, with the help of ammonia worth a couple of tens of rubles.

However, only inexperienced craftsmen use ammonia in their work, while others completely exclude this component in view of its particular danger both to the body and to the jewelry itself.

Cleaning gold in an ultrasonic bath, without the use of ammonia. Cleaning gold in an ultrasonic bath, without the use of ammonia.

Moreover, the manufacturers of jewelry cosmetics also try to avoid ammonia, because they know that the damage caused by it can be much higher than you might expect.

So, for example, getting even a small amount of this liquid on artificial or natural pearls can lead to its irreparable destruction. The poisonous composition will simply dissolve the mother-of-pearl, and the precious stone will lose its former brilliance.

A similar situation will happen when cleaning amber , pomegranate, malachite, turquoise or coral with ammonia.

This composition is a potent substance, which, although it perfectly removes corrosion, but at the same time has a number of its side effects.

It categorically cannot be used to clean even natural inserts. Many of the minerals can be treated or colored in the laboratory, and ammonia will simply discolor or spoil the outer layer.

Precious stones after interaction with ammonia can become dull and lose their former beauty. Restoring them will be extremely difficult. If this happens when repairing jewelry in a jewelry workshop, then the master will definitely suffer losses, since he will have to compensate for all the damage caused to the client.

Do not use ammonia and for cleaning gilding or white gold jewelry.

In the first case, the composition can “seep” into the microcracks of the gold coating and, having interacted with the base metal (for example, silver, which most often acts as the basis for gilding), provoke the peeling of the gilding.

A similar situation can occur with white gold with a rhodium plating. Zinc is often included in the alloy of such a metal, which reacts quite painfully to contact with ammonia.

The consequences of cleaning jewelry with this liquid may not be noticeable for quite a long time, however, as practice shows, if such a remedy is abused, a negative result will not be long in coming.

It is possible to clean with ammonia products made of gold with a breakdown of 585 and above which do not have inserts. For example, gold chains, bracelets, wedding rings.

Also, this tool is well suited for silver products. However, unlike special cosmetics, it does not create a protective film on the metal, due to which silver quickly darkens and becomes covered with black spots.

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